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The Proteomics Core's GC Symposium video "Omics Family Therapy"  made a comeback after it's loss at the symposium this year and won the US HUPO (Human Proteome organization) Video contest at US HUPO'S most recent conference in Philadelphia last month 

Megan Dennis, an associate professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at UC Davis Health, has been awarded the 2024 Chancellor’s Fellowship

Megan Dennis, an associate professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at UC Davis Health, has been awarded the 2024 Chancellor’s Fellowship. This prestigious honor, given to early-career faculty members, includes a $25,000 grant for research, teaching, or service activities. Dennis, who joined UC Davis in 2015, has become a leader in studying the genetic factors affecting the brain, particularly in conditions like autism. Her research aims to identify hidden genetic changes linked to diseases, improving diagnoses and treatments.

Local genetic adaptation to habitat in wild chimpanzees

Researchers at the Genome Center have contributed to a groundbreaking study published in Science, revealing that chimpanzees possess genetic adaptations enabling them to thrive in diverse habitats, including forests and savannahs. Notably, the study identifies genetic variants in chimpanzees that may confer resistance to malaria, similar to protective mechanisms observed in humans.

Recent Publications: Jan 2024

Co-authored publications by UC Davis Genome Center Members or publications where UC Davis Genome Center or a GC Core is acknowledged for their technical support and services:

Recent Publication: Method for Discovery of Structural Variations in Hard-to-Call Genome Regions

Published in Nature Methods in December 2022, the paper titled “SVDSS: structural variation discovery in hard-to-call genomic regions using sample-specific strings from accurate long reads” by Denti, Khorsand, Bonizzoni, Hormozdiari, and Chikhi describes a newly developed method to discover structural variants. Structural variants are defined as medium to large size genetic variations and are shown to be important in human genomics, evolution, and diseases.

Sequencing Puts Carnivore Chromosomes in Context

Studies comparing animal genomes generally focus on the DNA sequence itself. A new study by researchers at the University of California, Davis shows how the three-dimensional scaffolding of chromosomes is related across several species of carnivores, offering a new approach of “comparative scaffotyping” that could be used to identify related genes across species and place them in context. The work, published the week of Feb.

Breeding Plants With Genes From 1 Parent

Scientists are a step closer to breeding plants with genes from only one parent. New research led by plant biologists at the University of California, Davis, published Nov. 19 in Science Advances, shows the underlying mechanism behind eliminating half the genome and could make for easier and more rapid breeding of crop plants with desirable traits such as disease resistance.

Recent Publication: Indoxyl sulfate, a gut microbiome-derived uremic toxin, is associated with psychic anxiety and its functional magnetic resonance imaging-based neurologic signature

A recent publication in Scientific Reports by Brydges et al. titled "Indoxyl sulfate, a gut microbiome-derived uremic toxin, is associated with psychic anxiety and its functional magnetic resonance imaging-based neurologic signature" investigated whether indoles in the gut microbiome are associated with depression and anxiety. The study found that abundance of indoles is correlated with anxiety, but anxiety treatment was not related to the modulation of indoles in the gut.

A Map of Mouse Brain Metabolism in Aging

The first atlas of metabolites in the mouse brain has been published by a team led by UC Davis researchers. The dataset includes 1,547 different molecules across 10 brain regions in male and female laboratory mice from adolescence through adulthood and into advanced old age. The work is published Oct. 15 in the Nature Communications. The complete dataset is publicly available at