The Genome Center faculty play an integral role in the management and research support of five major initiatives on campus. Because of the various interests of the faculty and staff scientists at the Genome Center, it acts as an incubator for multidisciplinary research and cutting-edge projects at UC Davis.
Earth Biogenome Project 
The Earth Biogenome Project aims to sequence all of the known eukaryotic organisms on Earth. The overall aim of this project is to conserve biodiversity and sustain human societies. Harris Lewin, a faculty member at the Genome Center, is the chair of the Earth Biogenome Project.
Innovation Institute for Food and Health 
The Innovative Institute for Food and Health aims to deploy products that provide safe and sustainable foods. Justin Siegel, a faculty member of the Genome Center, is the faculty director of the Innovative Institute for Food and Health.
Institute for Food and Agricultural Literacy 
The mission of the UC Davis Institute for Food and Agricultural Literacy (IFAL) is to cultivate a community of researchers dedicated to making scientific research accessible, relevant, and interesting to everyone. Pamela Ronald, a faculty member of the Genome Center, is the director of IFAL.
Microbiome Special Research Program 
The Microbiome Special Research Program aims to promote and transform research related to the microbiome by focusing on four main areas: Interdisciplinary Innovation; Training and Education; Infrastructure and Resources; and Community Building. Jonathon Eisen, a faculty member at the Genome Center, is the director of the Microbiome Special Research Program.
Perinatal Origins of Disparities Center
The Perinatal Origins of Disparities Center is a recently funded initiative that combines behavioral science and technology to better understand prenatal and early life factors that affect later life. The center also aims to address and rectify the health disparities in the US related more to zip code than DNA code. The co-director of the Perinatal Origins of Disparities Center is Janine LaSalle, who also the associate director of the Genome Center. Several other Genome Center faculty are also involved with this center including Michele La Merrill and David Segal.