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The Proteomics Core's GC Symposium video "Omics Family Therapy"  made a comeback after it's loss at the symposium this year and won the US HUPO (Human Proteome organization) Video contest at US HUPO'S most recent conference in Philadelphia last month 

Megan Dennis, an associate professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at UC Davis Health, has been awarded the 2024 Chancellor’s Fellowship

Megan Dennis, an associate professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at UC Davis Health, has been awarded the 2024 Chancellor’s Fellowship. This prestigious honor, given to early-career faculty members, includes a $25,000 grant for research, teaching, or service activities. Dennis, who joined UC Davis in 2015, has become a leader in studying the genetic factors affecting the brain, particularly in conditions like autism. Her research aims to identify hidden genetic changes linked to diseases, improving diagnoses and treatments.

2025 David L Weaver Endowed Lecture Featuring Dr. Andrej Sali


Professor Andrej Sali, PHD

Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank, Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI), and Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA


Local genetic adaptation to habitat in wild chimpanzees

Researchers at the Genome Center have contributed to a groundbreaking study published in Science, revealing that chimpanzees possess genetic adaptations enabling them to thrive in diverse habitats, including forests and savannahs. Notably, the study identifies genetic variants in chimpanzees that may confer resistance to malaria, similar to protective mechanisms observed in humans.

2024 Annual CBS Staff Appreciation

College of Biological Sciences held its Annual CBS Staff Appreciation on May 29, 2024. Staff members from four departments and three centers joined the appreciation lunch, enjoying time to network and participate in a fun round of trivia. More than 15 staff members from the Genome Center were in attendance.

Celebrating 20 Years of Richard Michelmore's Leadership at the Genome Center

Following the Genome Center’s first-ever research retreat on April 15, attendees and others gathered to celebrate Richard Michelmore and his 20-year tenure as the founding director of the center. The atmosphere was filled with gratitude and admiration as colleagues and friends gathered to reminisce about Richard’s transformative leadership and the profound impact he had on their careers and lives. Stories flowed freely, with many recalling the moment when Richard first recruited them, also extending kindness to their families.