
Study identifies possible factor in newborn foals being prone to lung infections

Researchers, including Brett Phinney, Director of the UC Davis Proteomics Core, have found that newborn foals have lower levels of immune-related proteins in their lung lavage fluid compared to older foals and adult horses. The study paves the way for further investigation into the specific roles of these proteins in protecting neonatal lungs, offering valuable insights into equine health.

Can researchers save the Pacific Northwest mint industry?

UC Davis Genome Center's Isabelle Henry and her team are at the forefront of this battle, working to develop verticillium-resistant Black Mitcham peppermint varieties while preserving the cherished mint flavors. Discover how their groundbreaking research offers hope for a thriving Pacific Northwest mint industry.

Capsule Captures First Look Inside Digestion in Healthy People

Using a specially designed capsule, researchers can now voyage through the digestive system, collecting new data about digestion and microorganisms. The work by a team including researchers at the University of California, Davis, Stanford University and Envivo Bio Inc., is published May 10 in papers in Nature and Nature Metabolism.

Danika L. Bannasch Elected As AAAS Fellow

On January 31, 2023, Danika L. Bannasch, Professor Department of Population Health and Reproduction, School of Veterinary Medicine, and the Genome Center, was elected as one of the 506 new fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).