
Recent publication: TurboID-based proximity labeling reveals that UBR7 is a regulator of N NLR immune receptor-mediated immunity

A recent publication in Nature Communications from Dinesh-Kumar and colleagues has identified the function of a key protein”UBR7”which regulates plant immunity. Dinesh-Kumar and colleagues optimized the proximity labeling method in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana and determined that TurboID performs better in plants compared to other proximity labeling methods. They used an optimized TurboID method to identify proteins that interact with the N NLR immune receptor that confer resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. The study provided insight into the biology of immune receptor function and how UBR7 E3 ligase negatively regulates NLR level in the absence of pathogen infection.

Follow this link to read Dinesh-Kumar and colleagues' recent publication in Nature Communications.