Jonathan Eisen featured in interview about microbiomes on the TED ideas blog

ted ideas blogProfessor Jonathan Eisen, along with scientists Rob Knight and Jessica Green, were interviewed by Brooke Borel for the TED ideas blog: Jonathan,  who studies the ecology and evolution of microbial communities,  has previously given a TED talk about his work (see Meet your microbes). In the interviewl, he talks about his work as part of the microBEnet project (Microbiomes of the Built Environment), as well as the issue of 'overselling' the microbiome:
I worry that a lot of people confuse correlation and causation. It seems almost sad to mention this a lot, because people get sick of hearing about this all the time, but there’s no doubt that a lot of the scientists and a lot of the news stories about microbiome studies have confused that.

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